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Dartmouth Masjid

Donate for Dartmouth Masjid.

Saturdays Community Iftar

Saturdays Community Iftar

Ramadan Fundraising Dinner

IANS fundraiser by the Youth

All Categories
9 Total
Donate Everyday In Ramadan

Automate your donations for Ramadan Use this opportunity to donate daily during Ramadan. Select the donation as Recurring and Daily while setting up payment.

Solar Pannels

Solar Panels

Quran Tafseer Program

This donation helps IANS organize community dinner and snacks after the Quran Tafseer Program on Fridays.

Truro Cemetery And Masjid

Donate for maintaining Truro Cemetery and Masjid.

Pictou County Masjid

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Book IANS Dartmouth Hall

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Eid Ul Adha Expenses

empty text

Children Quran Classes

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Secure Donation

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Select Frequency

Choose or Enter Amount

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First payment *
Please note: You will incur a $1 charge if the recurring start date is not current date in order to verify the payment details provided. This charge will not be credited back to your account and you will receive a test transaction receipt for this amount.

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Pinned Categories
3 Total
Dartmouth Masjid

Donate for Dartmouth Masjid.

Saturdays Community Iftar

Saturdays Community Iftar

Ramadan Fundraising Dinner

IANS fundraiser by the Youth

All Categories
9 Total
Donate Everyday In Ramadan

Automate your donations for Ramadan Use this opportunity to donate daily during Ramadan. Select the donation as Recurring and Daily while setting up payment.

Solar Pannels

Solar Panels

Quran Tafseer Program

This donation helps IANS organize community dinner and snacks after the Quran Tafseer Program on Fridays.

Truro Cemetery And Masjid

Donate for maintaining Truro Cemetery and Masjid.

Pictou County Masjid

empty text

Book IANS Dartmouth Hall

empty text

Eid Ul Adha Expenses

empty text

Children Quran Classes

empty text


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