Convergence Culturelle Africaine

Convergence Culturelle Africaine

CP 332 Aylmer, Gatineau, Quebec J9H5E6, CA



Category Description
Building A Community Centre in Luskville Pontiac Dear Donor (s), Today, Convergence Culturelle Africaine is reaching out to you with an exciting and vital initiative that has the power to transform our community – the construction of a new Community Centre - The Luskville Islamic Community Centre (LICC). *Why a Community Center in Luskville Pontiac, QC? A community center is more than just bricks and mortar; it's the heartbeat of any town. The Luskville, Pontiac is a new development town that is growing fast, and having the LICC will create a space where families come together, friendships are forged, and community spirit thrives. With your support, we can create a hub that will serve as a focal point for educational programs, recreational activities, cultural events, and much more. *Our Vision: A Center for All Ages Imagine a place where children can explore their creativity, teens can find mentorship and guidance, and adults can connect through shared interests. The Luskville Islamic Community Center aims to be that inclusive space for all ages, fostering a sense of belonging and pride in our community. *How You Can Help: Donate Today : Your financial contribution, 'big or small', will directly contribute to securing and buying the land, starting the construction of the community center. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal. *Spread the Word: Share this message with your friends, family, and colleagues who also believe in the power of community. The more people who know about this project and donate, the stronger our collective impact. *Donate Now and Be a Building Block of Our Community's Future! Insert Donation Link: Whether you've lived here for generations or recently joined our community, we invite you to be a part of this historic project. Together, we can build a legacy that will benefit generations to come. Thank you for your generous donations and support. Warm regards, Convergence Culturelle Africaine
Cotisation Annuelle - CCA As salamou aleykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh, Chers membres et sympathisants Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi les membres de notre organisation. La mission de la Convergence Culturelle Africaine Ottawa | Gatineau (CCA) est d’offrir des ressources et des activités pour l’épanouissement spirituel, religieux, social et culturel de la communauté musulmane dans la région de la capitale nationale du Canada. A ce titre nous sollicitons tous les membres et non membres a nous accompagner dans ce noble mission au service de la communauté. Comme le prévoient les statuts, et afin d’assurer le bon fonctionnement de la CCA, nous vous serions reconnaissants de régler votre cotisation. La CCA demande à tous ses membres de bien vouloir s'acquitter de la cotisation annuelle de 120$. Vous pouvez le faire à travers notre plateforme MOHID en cliquant sur le lien suivant: Nous vous remercions par avance et vous prions d’agréer nos respectueuses salutations. -- Secrétariat CCA