Windsor Islamic Association

Windsor Islamic Association

Youth Programs Donations

Organized By:Windsor Islamic Association


7% of $10,000 goal


0Recurring Contributors

3 Months
$650 of $10,000

MYC Youth Program Fundraising

MYC Youth Program Fundraising

Our masjid is a proud home to an active and strong brothers and sisters Muslim Youth Club (MYC) that provides religious, educational, and recreational activities to youth at the elementary school, high school, and college/university age levels. They require your ongoing support to maintain their excellent programming. While big youth events have registration fees, most regular activities have low or no registration fees to make our programs accessible to all youth. This will allow us to serve youth at all income levels and to attract more youth to the masjid. Every small donation will go a long way to support our youth programs.

Youth Budget for July 2024- June 2025 year:

MYC Youth Club activities and equipment: $2000

Regular halaqahs materials and refreshments: $5000

Special events, field trips, camps: $3000

-- Total requested: $10,000

We appreciate all of your continued support.

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